Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I love my dog!

I love my dog! I don't know what I'd do without him. He's my boy Ted. And oddly enough I still love him even when he forces me to clean up things no person should ever have to do. Yeah, last night was interesting but I still love him today. Ok, how do I go about this in a decent way. Ummm, I don't think I can so here's the scoop...on the poop!

So last night my brother stayed over on my couch and in the middle of the night my hubby could smell this awful stink coming from the living room. We both get up and tip toe in the dark and realize it's a really awful smell and there was no doubt, that was a doggie poo smell. Ugh! Now our boy Ted is trained to go outside but in this case he obviously couldn't hold it. Why? Well, it wasn't a regular poo. This was the diarrhea sort. Yeah, gross!! He must have been embarrassed about it because he let loose at the far end of the room, right behind the couch where my brother was sleeping and here's Mike and I tippy toeing around in the dark with flashlights trying to find it but not wake my brother. Oh and boy did we find it....all over the floor in a big puddle. GROSS!

A few weeks back Teddy was sick from the other end of the doggie body and Mike spent an hour in the middle of the night cleaning that mess, so, sadly it was my turn. Luckily we'd replenished the paper towel from that last yucky situation and ended up using an entire roll of paper towel to clean up this mess. And the whole time Mike is whispering "Oh!" "Aw!" "Ew!" "Gross!" and I'm like "Shut up! Hearing you grunt and groan doesn't make the clean up process for me any easier!" Yeah, talk about disgusting. Ok, I won't go into detail as I'm sure you can imagine. But, through all the noise and the flashlights and the odd carpet cleaning mechanism's buzzing sound, my brother didn't wake up. Probably a good thing. But the weirdest part is that he didn't wake up from the smell, which was truly disgusting! I was dry-heaving the whole time. Luckily I have a box of Lush bath bombs and anyone who knows that smell, knows it's strong, and so now, that box is sitting near 'the spot' to try to mask the smell. Fortunately the carpet cleaner removed the stain but the smell is still lingering. So now my house smells like a rancid bath bomb. I love my dog. Aren't you glad you read my blog today? Isn't life interesting sometimes!?

And hey, if you have a dog I'm sure you've been there. If you have any home remedies for getting rid of that stench I'd love to hear them!!

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