Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blog Block!

When I first started this blog I thought I'd easily have topics to write about every day but I was wrong. You might have noticed that I haven't blogged over this past's not that I've been really busy or anything grand like that. I think I actually have had Blog Block. You know, like writer's block, well I've got blog block. Maybe it's the weather....when will it get sunny and warm? Seriously! When? And what's with the weather these days. Last Saturday it was sunny and 21 - which was a dramatic change from the 10 degree cloudy/rainy weather the week and months before....and now, one week later we're expecting snow flurries this Saturday. What is up with the world??!! This weekend is the Sun Run and in year's past it's been a spring-like day and this weekend we're expecting snow? I'm participating albeit a Sun Walk, but who wants to walk or run in the snow? Craziness!! Ha, kinda funny that when one has nothing to talk about we resort to talking about the weather....and here, I had nothing to write about yet it turns into writing about the weather. I imagine it'll happen again. Oh and I suppose we could blame the snow on my hubby as a month or so ago he commented "I guess winter is over" and it snowed again. Then last Saturday in the gorgeous 21 degree sunshine he said "Well I guess winter really is over now" and alas it's supposed to snow!!

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