Monday, April 7, 2008

This is a NON happy blog post!

Ok so I'm always trying to think of ways to make my posts 'happy' seeing as it is "Rebecca's Happy Blog" but today this is completely a NON happy blog. Why? Because I'm grumpy and feel crappy. Why? Well let's see....I'm female....any ideas? I have to admit that at least once a month (hint hint) I really do not enjoy being a woman. Maybe I sound ungrateful because most of the time I love being female, but when you feel as crappy as I do right now, you'd likely feel the same way. And trust me, you DON'T want to feel like this. I realize in the big scheme of things, when looking at the big picture, that it's really no big deal. I have my health generally so I shouldn't complain. But, when you feel this way for 2 whole days every 4 weeks, and don't feel like getting out of bed, it really sucks! Grrrr.....but on the bright side (yes I guess there is one) my hubby is baking me chocolate chunk cookies right now. Yay. If only he could spike em with some pain killers!

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