Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's just one hour...

The World Wildlife Fund is encouraging everyone to take part in Earth Hour TONIGHT! It's really simple, we all just have to turn off the lights or other unneccessary electrical things to save energy. It starts at 8pm and it's for just an hour, however, hopefully it will help people to realize that we don't always have to have everything plugged in and using energy constantly. Earth Hour is an attempt to help slow climate change and it will take all of us to make a difference.

Did you know that when you have certain items plugged in but you're not actually using them at the time that they're still using energy. For example, if you could uplug your microwave and coffee machine sitting on your counter when you're not using them that would help. Also, when you don't have your cell phone plugged into it's charger, you can unplug the charger. Every little bit helps. Obviously if you can turn out the lights, that's the easiest way to help support Earth Hour but it's also a good habit to get into turning off your lights when you don't need them. Let's try to make every hour Earth Hour.

Kudos to Canadians as Canada has one of the highest participation levels around the world with over 150 cities participating. If you'd like to participate you can simply turn off your lights but if you'd like to send a message to our government showing that you care about our Earth then you can sign up as a participant of Earth Hour on the World Wildlife Fund website - I just did. The site also has tons of other suggestions on how we can live "The Good Life" and help to fight climate change. Simple things like wash your clothes in cold water instead of hot, that's doable! Plus, there's a live kilowatt counter on the site so you can see how the energy levels will actually change tonight at 8pm. Kinda cool. So let's all do our part and 'turn out for Earth Hour'!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey 'Bec!

We'll definitely be doing that tonight. We've got the candles and flashlights ready (ok, they're still out from the 6 hour power outage we had last week). And the laptops are all charged up so me and the girls can play a little Lego Star Wars for the hour on battery power.... ok, not quite in the spirit I know :) But Mike would give a thumbs up!